[Chaos] Royale!

'Wait a minute...did...did that attack actually end them? That fast?,' Zhen Liu thought to himself as he kept his guard up while staring at the cloud of exploded dust.

Zhen Liu had learned from a long, long list of movies, videogame and literature, that any encounter that seemed to end in one move, especially outside of tournament settings, were usually traps. This was especially the case when one found themselves in a world where humans literally have a sixth sense.

'Seriouely though, why aren't I sensing anything or anyone inside of that dust cloud?,' Zhen Liu thought to himself. 'Did they block that surprise attack?'

Any moment now, Zhen Liu expected to see either the Calamity Sisters or Inquisitor Malifax to come rushing out of the dust cloud to try and smash his skull in for revenge.

Thankfully, that didn't happen.