Interdimensional hopping is delicate

'Wait...if Zhen Liu is the one fighting that armored guy, where the hell are his puppets?,' Zhen Hai wondered as he watched Olstenna and his (presumed) cousin fight yet another mysterious warrior.

This new warrior reminded Zhen Hai of those "paladin" guys who would occasionally show up to town, preach a bit about their religion, buy a beer, buy a steak and then go off to do...whatever paladins do.

Zhen Hai would often only half listen whenever these guys started preaching, but he was usually busy with something pertaining to the clan.

That being said, whomevever this armored guy was, Zhen Hai could sense the pure arrogance radiating off of him, to the point where he wanted to get involved too.

'But something tells me that's a bad idea...wait, why am I acting cautious? I'm usually never this cautious,' Zhen Hai thought to himself as he continued to watch the fight happening right in front of him.