Out of the Fire...

"Huh...I figured he'd be a bit madder about the fact that we technically forged his signature on a lot of questionable business dealings," Lucille commented.

"To be fair, a lot of people suddenly become a lot cooler with certain activities once they learn about the benefits that come with such things," Aranea retorted.


Earlier in the day, Lucille(Lacerage) and Aranea(Arachnidame) were supposed to host a lecture to explain to the Zhen Clan scions about the ins and outs of the Zhen Clan's new wandering ruin.

Unfortunately, they weren't able to due to being dragged into a last minute meeting with Patriarch Zhen Shi and several of the elders, over the fact that the two secretaries of the Zhen Clan forged a few signatures for the sake of clan and urban development.