Bath House Teasing


No, no, no. We are not skipping this, you have to rip the band-aid off and abuse the fact we have an "R" rating for reason.

|But this is a razor thin line!|

So?! The amount of F-bombs you drop in any given chapter is enough to make any content creator attempting to read this shit for views get demonetized in a literal heartbeat.

|We can get away with cussing and violence because people are weirdly okay with that. Hell, that's why there was a Rambo Saturday morning cartoon! Sexy stuff gets a lot more scrutiny for some reason.|

I'm fairly certain you get away with it this one time, just use flowery language.

|Fine...this part would be better with visual aids, I hope you understand that.|

I do, but we don't got the funding for that.

|Not yet...|

