A well-timed knock...


We interrupt this chapter to inform the reader that this chapter will technically be a two parter, so feel free to wait until both chapters release before purchasing, thank you.



"Alright, I think that's enough prep time."



"I feel like now is not the time to sass Lady Daria, especially since she summoned whomever that is!"

For a couple minutes straight, Zhen Liu's mother, Daria Nerissa-Zhen, has been doing nothing but maximizing the power of a [Chaos art] that she had learned a long, long time ago.

This particular [Chaos Art] involved concentrating [Chaos] and Terraqi aether into the form of a giant rhino-like warrior kaijin that was armed with a double headed spear. The chant Daria used while making this happen wasn't actually a necessary component to perform the art, rather it was a means to empower it.