Here comes Mommy

"What...what just happened?," Zhen Liu asked aloud with utter bewilderment plain in his voice.

One second, he was a disembodied soul that was literally stuck halfway into entering his own body.

The next, he had somehow gotten knocked into his body...that was for some reason shivering like a newborn deer in winter.

'Wait a minute...ah. Right.'

For the entirety of Zhen Liu's out-of-body experience, Frosttusk had been maintaining near constant contact on him to prevent the natural aether flames from ravaging his body and going wild. Evidently, he maintained this physical connection even after Zhen Liu returned to his body.

[Minn jarl! You're back!]

"Hi, Frosttusk. Would you mind getting your...what the fuck is that?"

[Oh, this? I'm not sure. You sort of spat it out when your soul returned to your body.]
