The Library gets noisy

[Huh...well that's unexpected,] Hurricroak commented aloud via her telepathic connection to the other kaijin.

[What's unexpected?,] Nepherage asked, fully knowing Hurricroak commented aloud for the sake of starting a conversation. Which was honestly fine by her, since she was starting to get bored.

Let it be known that medical watch duty is incredibly boring.

[Long story short,the former Kaijin Lord, Anton, just mixed a bit of [Chaos] into his voice just so he could sound like a little bit like us, and...well...


"How the hell did y'all understand that? Hell, why did I understand that?"

"That definitely wasn't Tide Tongue or Hoof Speech..."

"Seriously though, what the fuck was that?"

The Zhen Clan scions looked at one another with surprised expressions plain on their faces.