Library gets even noisier.

[Wait a minute, Anton gave our lord's cousins permission to peruse the library?,] Nepherage asked.

[Why?,] Screamira reiterated.

[That's...odd...,] Frosttusk added in a slow tone of voice, having cooled down after running hot for several hours.

[It is, and honestly, I don't know why either,] Hurricroak replied. [As far as I can tell, it's probably a play to get the Zhen Clan more and more intertwined with us and the Library. Bedfellows and what not.]

[That...makes no sense, shouldn't that be the director's call?,] Razorstella pointed out.

[I mean we can't ask him because of the droning snoring noise ripping through our ears, but still.]

[If it helps, our lord ain't looking too hot about the idea either...but it also looks as if he doesn't want to mess with their memories and is just rolling with it...hmmm.]

[Really? I'm fairly certain we can still knock them out,] Lacerage pointed out.