Clash of Minions

As a battle broke out between the two squads of specially modified zakos, Zhen Liu and his latest kaijin opted to simply watch the battle unfold from a high vantage point. While it was technically his responsibility to put an end to this soon, especially when he needed to know why the so-called "Gal-em Force" decided to go AWOL, Zhen Liu figured he had at least a couple of minutes to watch and see exactly how close these modified zakos were becoming full-fledged kaijin. Especially when he was going to reach his limit of maximum summons when they did. 

[So you're really going to just sit here and watch?,] Blazejudicator asked.

'I mean...yeah? If things get dicey, I'll get involved. Otherwise...its good for their development? Maybe?'



[I will be honest, Executor, this sounds like you're just being lazy with extra steps.]

'Good to see that you're about as sassy as the others.'