Stopping the baby/zako fight



When MarbleGal started her initial charge, SpikeBack assumed she had just gone nuts and was essentially throwing her self to the mercy of his spikes. As such, he opted to simply lob a huge chunk of them at her in hopes of piercing her like a pin cushion.

(Un)fortunately, that didn't happen.

Through sheer instinct and tapping into her innate powers as a stone zako, MarbleGal managed to harden her skin to the point that the fossilized spikes simply bounced of her skin.

If SpikeBack was the cowardly type, he'd be panicking and cowering by now.

[Oh you wanna go?!]

But ala, he was not.

[Try taking this for a spin!]

Not one to back down from a fight, SpikeBack slammed his tail in challenge before swinging it with so much momentum that he started spinning like a top.