Reprimanding the zakos

'No, seriously. What?'

[Well, you see the kaijin as more or less, being your children because you built them, right? Including yours truly?]

'Yes...,' Zhen Liu reluctantly agreed. While he did actually see the kaijin as his creations, he was beginning to have trouble seeing them as his own children. Especially when certain...dreams...began to seep into his sleep...and now that he had a spiritual body kaijin attached to his soul, he had a feeling those dreams were about to get a lot more vivid.

[Well, in the same manner you perceive us as your kids, I see the zakos I modified back when I was known as Paralust as my children. I honestly can't wait to see how Screamira changed since I last saw her in person.]

'Aren't you connected to her via me?'

[I am, but it's not the same. It's like...just because you can video call someone, it doesn't mean you why the same feeling as seeing someone in person, you know?]

'Fair enough...I think?'