Dealmaker Types

Zhen Liu watched with interest as the GalEm zakos were reunited with the men that caused them to develop sentience.

Granted, he wasn't focusing on the emotional episode playing out as the trio of "star-crossed" lovers met with another. Instead, he was focusing on how this moment was affecting the development of the zakos.

Using a small bit of [Chaos], Zhen Liu empowered his eyes so that he could see the flow of desire connecting them to Victor, Simos and Graff. From what he saw, their hearts were literally connected to the developing [Cores] of their respective "bonded" zakos by a chain that was unobservable by basically everyone except him, and probably other [Chaos] wielders.

Maybe dragons.

' looks a lot like my connection with the kaijin, but sided? I suppose that makes sense,' Zhen Liu thought to himself as he stared at the chains.