Three down, one purple A-hole to take care of later...

(Un)surprisingly, it didn't take long for Victor, Simos and Graff to agree to Zhen Liu's surprisingly generous terms.

After all, between a questionable criminal organization that regularly experimented on orphans, slaves and everything in-between, and a morally questionable young master who could create sentient puppets that were often considered to be rather demonic by the wider populace...both choices sucked, but one was less sucky than the other.

 Plus it came with added bonus of them being reunited with their literal dream girls.

"'s nice to finally meet you...again...I guess."

[Just so you know, I'm doing to grind your hips into dust the next moment we're alone.]

"O-oh. Okay."

Granted, whether or not that was a good thing was incredibly debatable.