Get back up...

At the exact same time as Kamakiller getting knocked into the air...

'How is this ape not down yet? I must've delivered a dozen or so body blows by now!'

[To be fair, the Gibbon is doing a remarkable job blocking your punches. Also, not sure if it's irony, but you're probably not the first opponent this guy faced who had thoughts like that.]



"At this point, I can't tell if I'm more impressed by the Gibbon or by Xiao Hai..."

"Because the matter has been able to dodge every attack his way so far, while the former has somehow managed to tank every hit so far."

"Precisely, that."

"I get that."

"Please stop saying nice things about the monkey that might murder my son in a single blow."


For who knows how long at this point, Zhen Hai and the Long Armed Mist Gibbon had been stuck in a rather exhausting loop.