Pump it up...

As Zhen Hai refused to go down without a fight...

[You're either very enchanting, or this primate is very drunk.]

'I'm not sure if I'm supposed to take that as a compliment or an insult.'

[To be fair, would you want to be able to attract the attention of ape-like aether beasts on the regular through the power of dancing?]

'Not really, no.'

[There ya go then. That said, when you're acting like an idol, you must be able to act as if every person in your audience is the most important person in your life. After all, an idol without fans is like...a fish without water? No. A bee without flowers? Maybe.]

'Ya know, it's a good thing that this all happening at the speed of thought, otherwise I'd find this to be too distracting and probably forget to continue this dance routine.'

[I got it! An idol without fans, is like a king without subjects. Pointless and normal!]

'This explains...so much about Xiao Liu...'
