One-on-ones are for fools and heroes

[Wait a minute...that's it!]

As Nepherage was about to deal with a good old fashioned heroes' dilemma, she soon remembered that this kind of crap only happens in one on one situations, where the hero is the only one able to do anything.

Nepherage, however, was not really a hero, she was a monster with the ability to summon minions!

As such, while she was still preparing an aether art while actively fighting dragon force festering in her back, Nepherage managed to spare a thought and some [Chaos] towards a little copper bead that just so happened to be embedded into the side of the body. A bead that just so happened to look a lot like the zako marbles that Zhen Liu always kept on hand.

The one in Nepherage's hip appeared to have a lot more details etched into its surface than even the modified ones that Blazejudicator could make.