Recklessness is a feature, not a flaw

[Smoke Breath]!

Heeding Nepherage's words, Jinju Ren opted to disengage with the Dragon Thief Monk by blasting him in the face with a puff of black, aether infused smoke.


[Smoke Breath] was a minor Ethereal aether art that basically did zero damage, but had the lovely ability to mess with someone's senses.

Not just the obvious things such as sight and smell, but also one's ability to detect changes in aether.

Which is why, after getting blasted in the face with a surge of smoke, the Dragon Thief Monkey failed to notice that not only had Jinju Ren used the opportunity to disengage completely, but that the ground beneath had taken on a significantly more...energetic hue as Nepherage had just about finished activating her aether art. Additionally, she was looking a lot better since she had her personal zako, Sieg, help to seal up and disinfect her wounds.

[Obsidian Grasp of the Volcanic Mother!]

