Hello Again, Willow Scale


As a reminder, <<>> will be used to denote when the Tide Tongue language is being used.

Thank you.



[Alright, looks like the portal to Roaring Tide is almost completed. All the old hermit has to do is slot in that last rune.]

[Yeah...,] Hurricroak agreed, but trailed off her voice in a way that she wanted to ask something pertinent.

[Are we sure the maestro didn't want us to modify that thing? I mean, a couple tweaks here and there, and presto! An even more potent teleportation array that can teleport whole ass armies!]

[Yes, he's sure,] Nepherage rejected. [Besides, what use does the Zhen Clan have for an army teleportation array? Its main purpose will be essentially private use, and we can literally transform into objects that can be easily carried in bulk.]