Unexpected Injuries

[Wait...I just remembered something...didn't the maestro have two kaijin assigned to assist the matriarch here with exploring the Abyssal Lands?,] Hurricroak asked her fellow kaijin.

[Kit and Rodenia?,] Nepherage replied.

[Yeah, them.]

[Anybody else find it wild that they're only ones among us without a pun-like name?,] Razorstella commented.

[Kind of. Back to the main topic though, what happened to them? Last any of us heard from them was that they had made contact with the matriarch and then...poof. They went off grid, or at least muted...]

[Don't...wait...I think I sense them...and they appear to be...stressed out?]

[Huh? Why?]

[Something about...not being able to handle a strong personality.]


[They also appear to have been injured.]




The following scenes will be in Tide Tongue, so normal quotations will be used.

Thank you.