Ink, Candy and Bug's glorious adventure...

"Well then, if the matriarch is still recuperating, I suppose we'll just head back to Stone Claw until she's-"

"Ah, no, wait a minute. We may now have a means to teleport back and forth between our two houses,but it would still be rude of us to send you guys back without at least feeding you lot something."

"Oh, no, it's fine. I would hate to be bother…."

"No, please. We insist."


'Oh boy...'

While Zhen Liu was waiting for Logos and Pathos's latest information packet to download into his head, his grandfather and granduncle were busy having a good ole fashion etiquette war.

Zhen Liu knew that deep down, his grandfather had wanted to simply go home after visiting Matriarch Zhen Xun Tian, he also knew that there was a bit of nuance to tell someone that you simply want to go home when the initial plan goes out the window.