Same Face Syndrome

Just as Zhen Liu added the finishing touches on merging some cores into more powerful, if slightly unstable, ones, he received the weirdest bits of news from Razorstella and Frosttusk at the exact same time.

That news being...well...

'Dafuq you mean both of you found that [Time] guy?'

[As I said director,] Razorstella answered first. [That weird dude with the stop watch is sitting right here in the middle of Stone Claw, selling what appeared to cakes? I know there was a word for this...]

[Taiyaki?,] Screamira helpfully suggested.

[There we go!]

[That...doesn't...make...sense...,] Frosttusk interjected.[ Scale...selling...people.]

'Slavery is a part of the economy there, still trying to figure out how to dismantle that.'


'How much younger?'

