Same time, Different Places, Wildly Different intent


We interrupt this chapter to inform the reader that the following dialogue contains Soarish, the language of the Soaring Griffon Continent, which will be denoted by "::".

To be more precise, it is a dialect unique to a certain region located between Roaring Tide and Soaring Griffon, so it will be marked with "<::>".

You'll understand when you see it.

We now return to your irregularly scheduled chapter, thank you.


|Irregular schedule? What the heck?|

You know why.


Side note, aren't you worried about people complaining about tonal whiplash?

|No, because that's the point.|



[They have my kin! I need to-]

[Whoa, whoa, whoa big guy! Calm down! You're the one who said we can't make a scene in public, remember?]