"Now then, if my memory serves me right, you wanted to head straight to Doradocheeda, yes?," Zhen Liu asked after finally drying off. "But I must warn you, I don't think you'll be able to directly confront Duke Diamoro until a bit after we arrive there."
"I...why do you say that?," Lythero asked with genuine confusion.
"Because of what some of the zakos told me," Zhen Liu answered. "You know, the ghostly ones that I had scout the entire camp?"
"While they were floating around, they picked up a few important rumors of sorts," Zhen Liu began to explain. "The first rumor was that the patriarch of the Golden Sabertooth Household was in the cusp of breaking through to the next stage. He had apparently reached the peak of his cultivation, and is now waiting for the right conditions and medicine to do just that."