An Old New Friend

********Yahoo. are you still there? If you are. Thank you for waiting and staying up to this chapter with a draft guiding you on what was happening with the sory. Though the chaopters are in drafts only, you have stayed. Thank you.

I apologize, too for offering you this instead of a full chapter. I really cant write anything completely now as there is a deadline everyday but my day job and sleep is eating most of my time. twelve hours of duty and I  need to sleep, too. I trioed writing when I was in night shift and it cost me my mental stablity. Aside form that I got infected by the virus and I cannot keep up as I was too weak ang would mostly sleep after my shift. Yes, I still went to work despite having a fever, since it was a work from home and non voice cust serv. , I still went and work. We have less manpower thus getting a sick leave was hard. Besides, I dont have the luxury to be absent. I need that attendance and that salary. It's hard to be poor.