Master and Right Handman

****There are lesser workload now. But still cannot advance on the chapter. I dont know what happened with the draft that I had made but was gone. After I edit it in PC and saved it, it was gone when I open the app. And I was too tired yesterday that I slept the moment I hit the bed. The tiredness, the anxiety, the depression, I think it really took its toll on me and got its chance to let me fall asleep. And guess what, I woke up after 2 hours thinking that I had a full nights sleep.

But I'm here again, offering you another draft. And hoping to be forgiven for tha lack of activity. I will really try my best to finish a draft tomorrow and finish a chapter for the two days that I'd be out from work. hope that I'd finish my chores in a day. so in next day I'd get the chance to finish a chapter or two.

well, see you by then.
