Daring Rescue

"You'll have to wait until tomorrow night, when the guard changes, to get out." He warned me. I nodded and urged him to hurry. He flipped the lock with his set of keys and then quickly dashed and turned to head up the stairs.

"How will I find you?" I asked. He turned and gave a mock salute.

"I'll find you." He answered, and he left.

A guard popped his head in the door and shined his flashlight in my direction. I sat still and unmoving, as I always did when they came in to check on me. My hands itched to thrust open the cage door and escape into the night. But there were too many of them around right now for me to slip out unnoticed. 

I glanced at the window in the far corner of the ceiling. If I could make it that high, I could get out, but there was nothing for me to balance on, unless I could leap from the loft railing to the window, which would cross the entire room. 

As the night dragged on, no one came in to check on me again. I began listening to the surrounding sounds. If I focused, I could hear the sounds beyond the thick concrete walls outside. It was around 3 A.M. when I noticed the sound of tapping on glass. I tilted my head up and to the side, listening for the source of the sound. The hallways seemed empty. The guards had changed three hours prior, and the recent shift wasn't set to come on for hours.

Voices echoed throughout the manor. I could hear cries and yells in the distance, coming slowly closer to the room. I sat up on my haunches, staring around the room. They couldn't have figured out the door was unlocked, could they?

Suddenly I heard footsteps running toward the room, barreling down the hallways. Light poured into the room as five soldiers charged in, guns raised. I rushed to my feet and stared around, wondering what was going on. The men who entered the room blindly ran around. Lights flashed on, and I cringed at the sudden brightness.

There was a loud crash and glass shattered inward. The window near the ceiling had burst. A guttural snarl filled the room and a large, shadowed figure dropped from the window into the room. Dust flew in the air, obscuring sight.

Thuds sounded, followed by muted cries and silver flashed through the air. Suddenly, the soldier standing to the left of me had an intricately carved dagger hilt protruding from his chest. He collapsed to the ground. I focused my eyes, trying to see through the bright blares of light and the dust. I coughed as I inhaled debris.

Ground, one soldier in. The hulking figure straightened, hair black as night hung around his face, swishing with his motion. His bright silver eyes glowed with fury; fangs protruded from his lips in a grotesque snarl. Powerful jaw set in a grim line. Blood coated his arms as he charged toward the soldiers in front of him. He gripped the throat of one soldier in his clawed hand and squeezed, crushing his windpipe. He fell to the ground, clutching his throat.

Alec was an avenging angel. Moving with precision and unmatched speed he darted behind the next soldier, slamming his brawny arm through the man's chest. He gripped his heart in his hand and crushed it. He dropped the man to the ground. The two remaining soldiers trembled in fear, pointing their guns towards him. Alec smiled and beckoned them in a "come hither" motion. The soldiers charged at him, firing their weapons. Alec smiled and danced out of the way of their bullets. Spinning he threw his other dagger at the throat of one soldier, who fell to the ground. The last soldier trembled in fear as Alec approached. Alec took the gun from the soldier and threw it to the ground.

"Run," He spat at the soldier. The soldier shambled away and ran out the metal door to the South side of the room.

Alec didn't even flinch as he touched the silver bars to open my cage. He pried the now unlocked door open. I stared up into his face. His silver eyes narrowed with concern. He stopped and stared at me; the door opens between us. Weakly, I reached up and touched the side of his face.

"You came…" I smiled, delirious with thirst. He snorted and hauled me forward over his shoulder. I lie weakly against him, the silver still in my system. He leapt from the loft railing to the window and threw me out first before pulling himself through. Once outside, he picked me up bridal style and ran as fast as he could manage into the woods. Air and trees whipped by us. I clung to him for balance, unused to being carried.

"Alec, the weapons…" I said weakly. He shook his head.

"You can report the weapons to your father, you're in no state to take them out now." He chided. Distaste laced his tone, and I knew when we got home, I was in for it, for sneaking out. When we were far enough into the forest, he slowed to a jog, then eventually stopped. He leaned me against a tree. He turned and signalled into the bushes. The bushes rustled, and a brunette figure emerged from behind the treeline. He examined me and nodded in relief.

"Caius!" I breathed in relief. He nodded in acknowledgement and waved a hand.

"Lady, it is good to see you whole." 

"Caius, report." Alec said in a clipped tone. His anger obviously showing. Caius stood at attention and nodded.

"With the scene we made, its unavoidable that they know we were here. I reached the room they were holding Kali… but it was too late." His voice was grim. I stared at the ground. Kali, gone. One of my most promising warriors gone because of my terrible call. He cleared his throat and continued. "But we have markings on the weapons caches, locations of the stronghold, and we took out six hunters in the assault. I imagine they will bide their time before they strike anywhere." He finished. Alec nodded.

"We need to report to the Ares." As I was listening to their conversation, my vision began going black around the edges. I was slowly losing consciousness.

"Elysia! Elysia!" I heard Alec calling. I tried to speak, but I was too weak to form words. Before I descended into the darkness, I felt arms wrap around me and me being lifted once again.