Final Warnings

"Hello, Elysia" The hunter spoke.

I took in a breath, staring at the large man that had just stepped out of the bushes. His hair hung loosely about his face; his eyes were alight with mischief.

"Are you insane? What are you doing here?" I whisper-yelled at him, looking around for any sign of the vampire guards that patrol the manor grounds. He shrugged and sat himself down on the sacred bench, looking around the grove.

"Nice place, here. You come here often?" He joked, looking up at me. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I'm serious. This is not a safe place for a hunter. If the guards catch you — " I started, and he tutted and crossed his legs nonchalantly.

"I will just have to make sure they don't catch me." He smiled confidently. I pinched the bridge of my nose in exasperation.

"Fine. It's not my job to keep you alive. We established I get nothing from your continued existence." I muttered. He laughed.

"Very true. I'm touched by your concern. I'll be fine. I'm here to give you a final warning." He mused, palming a dagger that was in his belt. He looked at the blade and played with it. I raised a brow.

"About the awakening?" I asked. He nodded. He placed the dagger back in his belt.

"They're planning something big for it. I'm not sure of all the details, but I know they have a lot of resources dedicated to it. They know where it's going to be." He said, looking straight into my eyes. 

"If they're planning something, its all the more reason I need to be there. I have to help." I said resolutely. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"They want to get you; they know about you now. After the attack yesterday, they want to get their hands on you. They'll experiment, they'll use you, they'll torture you." He said bluntly. I cringed.

"I don't have a choice. I have to be there." Sighing again. He sighed and threw his hands up in exasperation.

"Fine! But don't say that I didn't warn you. When you die, I'll just find another way to avenge my mother." He sneered and stood. I nodded and glanced toward the mansion; footsteps were coming.

"Go." I urged him, pointing out of the grove. "Before they find you!" He smiled and crossed his arms over his chest again, not moving.

"Careful, doll. It almost appears like you care. By the way, my name is Evan." He said, laughing. I growled at him. He sighed and disappeared into the bush.

Moments later, Alec poked his head through the brush. He looked around the clearing and then focused on me. His eyes narrowed.

"I heard voices. Is everything alright?" He called out. I nodded.

"Just me talking to myself and to mother." I smiled. He didn't look convinced, but he nodded. The daggers he'd palmed in his hands. He returned to his belt loops.

"It's almost dawn. Want to go inside?" He asked. I nodded, wrapping my arms around myself. I looked off into the bush. No sign or sound of the hunter — Evan—remained.

Alec was silent for a time as we stood in the grove before turning back to the mansion. He stopped and pinched the bridge of his nose before looking down at me.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay?" He said. I stopped in shock. What was he apologizing for? I racked my brain. We had our usual arguments, but that was nothing new for us.

"Sorry for what this time?" I joked, poking at his side. He groaned and swatted my hand away.

"I'm sorry for calling you a child. You're not, and I know that." He said, his voice filled with sincerity. His silver eyes looked into my own. He looked like he wanted to say more, but he bit his lip. I smiled and slapped him on the chest playfully.

"Don't worry, Alec. I've learned not to take your insults to heart." I lied. The child comment had hurt, but I appreciated his apology. He nodded and gave me a small smile. We turned to head towards the building. As we approached my chambers, I stopped and turned to Alec with a frown on my face. Alec looked down at me and raised a brow.

"I think something is going to happen tomorrow." I said to him. He straightened, his face all business.

"We know the hunter cells in the area have been stocking resources. If they've discovered the location, chances are there will be some sort of attempt tomorrow. We've upped security as much as we can, and have hordes of soldiers that will guard the building. We will keep you safe." He assured me. I sighed and bit my lower lip. I had a feeling thing would not go as smoothly as that.

"Just, be careful tomorrow, okay?" I asked him. He looked at me and I swear a slight blush tinted his cheeks. He shook his head.

"You don't need to worry about me. I'll be fine." He said. I nodded and turned toward my door.

"Goodnight, Alec."

"Goodnight, Ellie." He said. Using the familiar old nickname. I smiled and went into my room.

Sitting on the side of my bed, I sighed. I ran my fingers through my hair and leaned back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling once again. I thought about my meeting in the grove with Evan. He was convinced something big was happening tomorrow night, and it wouldn't surprise me. It frustrated me that Alec and others didn't seem to take the hunter threat as seriously. The only thing I could do was be there and try to control the chaos.

I blushed at the thought of the conversation with my mother earlier. Mates indeed! I snorted to myself and crossed my arms. I could never see myself wanting a mate, a shackle that I have to report to all of the time. Having indiscriminate fun would be one thing, but an actual mate… I shuddered at the thought. It pleased me that I would have to exchange blood with a vampire to find out though, something I didn't plan on doing. Alec's silver gaze flashed in my mind. I snorted again. I needed to get some sleep; at the direction of my thoughts I must be exhausted.

I changed into sleeping clothes and got under the covers of my bed, blowing out the torches along the walls on my way. I tried to quell the anxiety rising in my stomach as I lie back against the pillows. It was going to be a sleepless night.