Forget the Noise

The night was quiet in this area of the city. Cars bustled by on the busy roads, a few tourists wandered the streets past the shops with pretty displays and flashing lights. Many stopped to take pictures of the grand architecture of the buildings of the city, reminiscent of Greek temples.

I stared down from the roof of a building, finally close to the entertainment and meal sector of the city, where all the bars and clubs congregated. Looking down at myself, I cringed. I zipped up my black leather jacket to hide the bloodstains on my white V-neck shirt. I wiped at my face to make sure it was rid of any stains. Running my fingers through my hair, I tousled my curls to make them more voluminous.

I leapt from the side of the building, landing in the small alley next to the club. Brushing myself off, I walked around the corner, the flashing neon sign Venue lit up before me. I strode to the front of the line and stared deeply into the bouncer's eyes. Looking me up and down, his gaze undressing me with his eyes. He held his hand out for my ID; I slipped my card into his hand. He gazed at it intently for a moment, then waved me through. 

The loud music pounded in my ears. It permeated the walls as if they breathed life. The lights were dark, but flashing neon illuminated the way to the dance floor. I walked through a dark foyer, through a large metal set of doors that opened to a glowing neon dance floor. They set a DJ stage up at the front of the venue. Dancers on raised platforms swayed their hips.

Plastering a predatory smile on my face, swaying my hips in my tight leather leggings, I walked. Making my way over to the large raised bar that took up the south side of the room, I found the single empty bar stool in the center and perched myself on it, leaning on one elbow on the bar. I smiled toward the bartenders. A male bartender caught my gaze and his lips lifted in a sexy smile. He made his way over.

"What can I get you?" He said, leaning close, over the bar. I smiled and leaned in closer to him, so I was whispering in his ear, under the pretense of trying to be heard over the noise.

"Whiskey, straight." I said. He looked into my eyes as he leaned back and nodded. He made my drink quickly and placed it in front of me. I nodded my thanks and raised the glass to my lips. Letting the spicy liquid settle in my throat, I sighed in relief. The bartender caught my eye and leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"I'm going to take a break now." He whispered. I lowered my lashes bashfully. He nodded his head around the back of the bar. I nodded and hopped down from my barstool. He met me around the other side of the bar, gesturing to a door that led into a back room. This didn't take long at all. Then I can enjoy my night.

"Where are we going?" I let out a small giggle. The man took my hand and led me through the door. He closed it behind us. It looked like we were in a small break room, with a table and a couch and a mini fridge. 

He led me to the couch and sat down next to me. He leaned in close, and I could hear the pounding of his heart. I could listen to the blood running through his veins as it flushed his skin. My mouth watered.

"Now we can hear each other better." He said, still close to my ear. I felt his lips graze the side of my cheek. I turned my head so my nose grazed his cheek.

"Listen to me, is that what you planned?" I said with a seductive smile. His predatory blue gaze rested on my lips. He leaned in toward me for a kiss. I turned my head, and his lips grazed my throat. He kissed down the column of my neck. I leaned in and placed my lips against his neck. I ran my hands up his chest, bracing them on his shoulders.

Then I struck. My fangs pierced the column of his throat. He stiffened in pain at first, then relaxed against me as the endorphins flooded him. Sounds of pleasure escaped his lips and his eyes closed. The blood flowed into my mouth, and I swallowed greedily. As the colour drained from his skin and I felt more invigorated, I released him. I licked the wound to seal the puncture marks from my fangs.

"You won't remember me." I said, as I stared into his eyes. His eyes were glassy, his eyes half-lidded. He nodded meekly.

"But you were so great." He whispered. And I laughed softly. 

"Sleep for 15 minutes. Then go back to your shift." I said. He closed his eyes immediately. I rose from my seat on the couch and made my way to the door, flipping the lock. Turning around and grabbing my drink off of the table, I took another sip. I spun my drink and sighed. Time to go to the dance floor.

As I walked out toward the center of the dance floor, I let the music flow through me. The beat was heavy, permeating the room. I let my hips sway to the rhythm, holding my drink and casually dancing in place. I raised my arms above my head and moved with the music. People stared around me, some joined in, dancing in the center of the floor. I tilted my head back to stare up at the bright lights. 

When I opened my eyes, a pair of bright silver orbs met my gaze. His lashes were long and dark, sweeping down to his cheeks, and his gaze pierced my soul. His lips were in a thin, straight line, and he stared down at me from his towering height.

"What are you doing?" He said over the music, knowing I could hear him fine. I sighed and placed my hands on his chest, palms flat. He stared down at my hands and raised a brow. I felt the rigid muscles beneath my hands. I stared up at him and smiled.

"I'm dancing." I said, continuing to sway on the spot. He snorted and rolled his eyes. I ran my hands up to his shoulders, moving closer to him. "Dance with me." I said in his ear. I laughed to myself. Teasing him was always entertaining. He was so stiff. 

To my surprise, his hands went to my hips, gripping them as he pulled my body against his. He began swaying his hips in time with mine to the music. My hands went around his neck. My lips parted as I stared up at him in shock. His lips quirked up in a smile. He leaned in close to my ear, his voice a deep timbre.

"You're playing with fire, Elysia." His breath tickled my ear. I shivered. I leaned back and kept the smile plastered to my lips. He leaned me back in a dip in time with the music. He leaned in close again. "It's almost dawn. It's time to go." He held his hand out for me. I sighed and took it. The fun could only last so long when all of this chaos was going on in our lives. I remembered the disgusted look on Evan's face earlier and cringed.

"Let's go." I sighed. We exited the club and returned to the motel.