Glax didn't have a good feeling about simply opening that 'Valya's Cauldron', as it was called, just like that, and anywhere. He'd played too many games and seen too many movies to know that misdirected and reckless curiosity was always the beginning of an unprecedented catastrophe.

"I think it's best to do it after making sure that opening this sarcophagus won't bring enormous disgrace upon Stygia. Isn't there a story about Pandora's Box?"

Zotikos pursed his lips in frustration, but nodded. "Yes, Lord Glax. I would say that, because this object is kept inside a strong cage, there's a reason why this is so."

"I think we should take Tychos in a vehicle back to Marbium, rather than keep him breathing in all that smoke while we bring the iatromancer here. It won't do him any good." Glax refocused on what was pressing.

"Lord Glax… What I said before. About the Emperor. Please do a better job keeping it a secret than I did." Young Rhoas begged.