The dryad's thin lips trembled with anger, and Glax thought she was really temperamental.

"Listen! Alekos got hurt, and so did other people. They needed it more than me. But I took... I took a little bit of a potion and I felt so much better... And that's why I'm here... Second reason, actually."

Glax followed the evolution of the dryad's facial expressions to adjust his speech. "The main reason was to see how Lady Aiops was doing, and to say that the problem was solved. I also came to talk about Tychos. He got hurt and your potions were gone…"

The dryad's face changed from sulky to worried. Glax advanced on the subject, telling what had happened to Antusa Melita's grandson. Alexander then went to the dryad, to everyone's surprise, including the nymph.

"Listen, Lady Aiops. We thought about looking for a sorcerer who heals people. But I don't think he can do anything for Tychos. Iatromancers aren't available to everyone, and he may refuse to help Tychos…"