Episode 131: A new experience.

The symbols are now have meaning when I look at them as a whole.

[[Breath of Life] is one of the pieces of knowledge of Creation.]

[The life that has been given, must be treasured.]

[Once it is treasured, a new meaning of life will be revealed.]

I'm staring at those words and I think those are some kind of hints that I might need for later in this quest. I take a screenshot and check the gallery to see if it's readable, but when I see the screenshot the image is blurred and I take another screenshot because I think it's a glitch. I check the other screenshot, and it's the same as before. I think I'm not allowed to take a screenshot of this, and so I open a note and write them down.

"Master, you need to listen to me!"

A high-pitched voice is coming from below me. I look down and there's nobody but Azrael. I look at Azrael and he looks back at me.

"Finally you're looking at me now!"