Episode 132: Prediction.

[Trevor, where are you? We need you over here. We are currently at the Eynhildr Kingdom with all the players. Everyone is waiting for you right now.]

Ivonna is messaging me and it seems that everyone is planning on doing something in the Alliance Kingdoms.

[I'm coming, give me a few minutes.]

I look at Krestan who's currently observing Azrael. I tilt my head.

"Can you open a portal to the Eynhildr Kingdom? I need to go over there right now."

Krestan nods.

"Are you going to join those people to prevent what is about to come into our world?"

I furrow my forehead.

"Wait, you knew about this?"

Krestan looks at the space while pointing at the stars and nods.

"Of course, and I'm not the only one who can read the constellation in this world. I have predicted that this phenomenon will come around at this time. Although I predicted it wrong, I thought that it will come around a bit later."