Episode 283: It's now or never.

I thought it would take at least an hour to confirm it but it has been half a day since Avriel sent her men to infiltrate the village. Everyone is starting to get suspicious or worried about them while Avriel is still at ease and just leaning on the tree while enjoying the breeze. Ivonna is looking at me and tilts her head toward Avriel to signal me to ask her about her underlings. I approach Avriel and lean next to her, she opens her left eye and looks at me from the corner of her eye.

"I can hear and see that they are worried about my men, but don't worry, I can still feel their movements from here. Those people have no idea how hard it is to blend in a place where everyone knows everyone's faces. They're doing fine and doing their best to get any information from the village."

I raise my eyebrows and nod with understanding. I cross my arms and look at her while tilting my head to whisper into her ear.

"What are the odds of them getting caught?"