Episode 284: It's just the beginning.

Aspen is shocked and he immediately runs back and immediately disappears behind the subjects. Kyle and all his friends are immediately shouting and yelling then orders his clan and his allies to charge at the subjects. All of them are running past me and Avriel, I see Cecilia, Poshmeleon, Valentino, Aven, Ian, Chriss, Ilvia, and Allen are burning in excitement. Thousands of players are still coming out from the portal and immediately run toward the subjects.

Everyone is clashing their weapons against the subjects but it surprises them that subjects' skins are solid as a rock and their weapons are unable to even scratch the skin. They keep trying their best and finding a way to deal with the subjects. I can tell that they will be able to handle this many subjects and so I look at Avriel and ask her about the underground because I believe there's still a lot of them down there and I will take care of them on my own.