Episode 315: Meeting in real life.

"Good morning, Mister Trevor. How are you feeling today?"

I look at the nurse is approaching me with a smile on her face.

"I'm feeling better now."

The nurse is checking the IV and then looks at the paper on the clipboard she's holding.

"You're allowed to leave the hospital after this IV bag is empty, Mister Trevor. I hope that you will stay healthy and as the doctor said yesterday that you need to stop playing excessively or something similar might happen again."

I smile and nod with understanding.

"I will, thanks for the reminder."

The nurse chuckles and nods but something feels off because she's been staring at me for quite a while.

"Are you Trevor from the LoTB Online?"

I look at her and nod.

"Yeah, I am, are you playing the LoTB Online as well?"

The nurse looks around and then looks at me while smiling.

"I'm a huge fan! I can't believe that you're from around here!"