Episode 316: First interview.

Francesca is wrapping her arm around Queenstar's neck, she looks at her from the corner of her eyes while smiling.

"You have been staring at Trevor for quite a while now, don't you get worried that Schneider might catch you staring at Trevor?"

Queenstar leans away from Francesca while Francesca is chuckling, Queenstar removes Francesca's arm from her neck and walks away. 

Francesca approaches me and tilts her head.

"So, are you nervous about your first interview?"

I look at her while fixing my collar.

"Not really, I used to be the center of the attention when I was a model."

Francesca scoffs while shaking her head.

"Alright mister handsome, I get it that you used to be famous so don't boast yourself in front of me ever again."

I chuckle and look at the door.

"Is Ivonna still doing her make-up?"

Francesca is tilting her head while shrugging.