
"My mom, how is she?" Derek asked the doctor who walked towards him.

"Are you family?" Doctor asked back.

"Yes am her son,"

"Are there no elders with you?" Doctor looked for someone reliable. Derek did not know what to do. He dialled his father. "I can call my fath..." but Tim cut through.

"Yes doctor, am the patient's friend," he said. Min Ah stood next to Derek. John had picked the call but Derek did not notice that. He was listening to it.

"Her sickness relapsed. She will need to stay in the hospital, we need to keep her under observation for a week, please do procedures to admit her, we need to few tests to continue with the treatment," Doctor said in detail.

"Please do the needful doctor," Tim said.

"She needs complete rest and counselling, she has some other worries and issues, that's what I understood from examining her,"