
No matter what age you are at, there is one day your wish could be light and a holy, filled with peaceful moments and have it pass slowly unlike the other usual hectic days. The birthdays. The day you get attention, special treatment, appreciation, gifts, love, greetings and get to smile and stay happy. But it is not the reality for all from different walks of life.

Taaliyah was super excited, everyone has been uploading moments, status and wishes for her since midnight, staying up, calling her and blessing her. But as usual her mother and father did not wish her. A tradition that never existed at home. But that did not matter at all. "We just don't believe in celebrating birthday, it is not right," they always said. "Why would we do something that's not meaningful?" 

Taaliyah hence expected nothing except asking for a bag if chocolate to give her classmate like every other birthdays. 

But she was always refused. Zahir would never get it for her.