Amy finds out

Amy, Min Ah and Derek walked into the hotel. But when they did, Derek underwent unexpected happening in front of the person he wanted to hide everything away from. 

"Oh my god it is him," a girl shouted. "I have seen him once in the library, i saw him singing that day, then i started seeing the cover songs, I know it's Derek, it's him," she said to her friends who were all having together. It looked like college girls. And it appeared they have no idea that he is a school student. 

"What's going on?" Amy looking surprised. 

"Well," Derek did not know what to say. 

"Did you do something? Were you upto something? Why do those girls know you? Were you doing something behind back?" Amy grew suspicious. 

"He is not doing anything bad aunty, he is doing something great, something meaningful, he is saving people with his voice," Min Ah grew excited and told Amy.

"Min Ah don't," Derek stopped Min Ah. 

"What?" Amy asked.