Staff room pt 1

"Taaliyah, few subject teachers complained about you," Taaliyah's home room teacher Ameya said the moment the she entered the staff room, standing in front of her teacher's desk.

"What?" Taaliyah was shocked to hear about it. 

"Sit down, let's talk," teacher said to her.

Taaliyah grew pale and began to tremble. She did not know what this is about. She grew scared thinking how the school might inform her parents whatever it is about. Her heart pounded loud and she felt like sinking in the water without getting help from anyone saving her.

"Relax," teacher told her the moment Taaliyah sat down. "Let's just have a talk, get to know each other, so that I can help you if you have any problems my dear," suddenly teacher spoke very kindly to her. 

"Oh," that was all Taaliyah managed to say. 

"So, how are you?" Teacher asked first.

"Good," she replied. 

"How did you spend the Christmas holidays?"