Beginning of the end

"Derek, I don't think we can extend the dates," the CEO of the entertainment company William called him one Saturday afternoon while sitting in the music room at the library. It was an international call in the presence of Sitar. "The band needs to debut next year, which means we need to give you training as soon as possible. You are the only outsider who has not taken the training yet. The other 4 members are well prepared and waiting for you. You will be the youngest one in the band," William went on explaining. "So I am not sure if you can complete 10th grade Derek as I said earlier. You said you are willing to join. Let me hear it from you. Do you want to join? I'm asking you this for the last time,"

Derek's heart beat faster than ever. It was finally coming true. The dream to become the the singer. The idol who will create the best music he can to heal the world. He did not have much thoughts to ponder about. 

"I am willing to join, this is what I want to do,"