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Min Ah successfully submitted the proof for the trial in the court. Her next session was scheduled for the next month.

"I hope they would not be calling you to the court to verify the proof," Min Ah said. 

"It's alright, I would not be here anyway, if I am needed, a video call will be good," Derek replied as he walked into Min Ah's house. 

"Where is Allen?"

"He is in the room, sleeping," 

"Why? Drunk?" Min Ah wanted to know.

"No, just sleeping, bored," 

"He should not have come," Min Ah said and sat on the couch holding on to a pillow. 

"Why don't you take him somewhere? I have some studying to catch up with," Derek said and walked into the room Tai and Amy has set in the house. And yes he did. He wanted to at least graduate high school.

He decided to take exams seriously. Registered and waited for the hall ticket with distance education branch.