
Days are either good or bad. The events determine that. And this determine and influence life too in a little way.

Allen stayed home praying and hoping for a good judgement from the court for Min Ah. It was the day of her trial. Ronald the driver was going to be produced in the court again to question and cross examined by the lawyers. Min Ah was down, and anxious. She did not sleep not eat properly for the past whole day. Allen asked Min Ah to not tell Derek the date so that he would not mess up his exam, and Amy let Milan play with Min Ah full time, to calm the big girl. Tim were seeing people constantly and he also wanted the media to not cover the news since Derek is going to be involved. He had not told Justin or the company about it. Only Allen knew about it and Min Ah was totally fine with Allen. 

"Just stay calm and speak the truth, don't hide anything, let that guy get the maximum punishment," Lawyer Anita said to Min Ah.