Busy Derek

Another week passed and Derek could not let his mind rest. The boys kept in touch but there were no news from William. Justin kept talking to them and asked about their wellness. 

"How is William?" Derek asked Justin back. "He is not replying to my messages, is he using any other number we don't know?" Derek asked his doubt. 

"He is okay. We are going to have some great meetings with the other companies," Justin told him. "We are likely to win this time, we have faith, the reactions are positive,"

"What about TD entertainment's decision?" Derek asked.

"Do we need to talk about the jerks, moreover, there are some internal issues we don't know about, few solo artists are not renewing their contracts," Justin said. "Okay I have work, I am going to meet William, bye, don't cause any trouble, lie low, don't become a part of any scandals," Justin repeated the same thing again and again.