What Min Ah does when she is bored!

Min Ah missed Derek terribly. She was upset. She was heart broken knowing how Derek never loved her but Taaliyah after all these years. Even though Allen accompanied her for few days, ever since he left she was feeling lonely. "Why the hell did they all go on a vacation, Allen usually never does, I wonder why he did," she found herself thinking about him. "Why do I care? I don't care," she said and looked at her phone. She took her chat with him. "It does not hurt to text though, does it? No it does not," she talked to her self and texted him. 

"Hey idiot? How come you went home?" And as expected she got instant reply. 

"Shut up," he said.

"No I won't,"

"Dumb," he texted.

"You are the dumbest," she replied.

"Don't disturb me, I'm resting,"

"Resting where?" She wanted to know. 

"In my place, of course, where else?" He sent.

"Oh you own a house and not staying at your parents?" She asked.

"Yes," he gave her the answer.