This is the best way to live

The following morning, everyone was in a much better mood after having a decent meal for the first time in a while. Apryl's better mood was mostly due to the fact that she had gotten to spend so much extra time enjoying the grass and fresh scents that came with spring.

She had been hoping to catch some extra sleep since it had been such a late night, but her younger siblings had other ideas as they wanted her to play with them. Any other day she would've ignored them and let someone else entertain them, but knowing that recently her mother had been more exhausted as there was only four weeks away from giving birth if she didn't end up going into labor sooner.

As they were only ten months old, her siblings still had a hard time communicating beyond yips and growls. They were even still struggling to understand how to shift beyond their small wolf form. Most of them looked similar to her with their dark coats and gray marking, the only girl of the group was the one who had a noticeably different coat. It was a mix between a gray and cinnamon color that her parents could only assume came from their grandparents as Summer's mother was a light coat wolf, but her father had a darker coat.

"Fine, fine but you guys need to be quite. Mommy needs to sleep longer so that she can have plenty of rest." Apryl scolded as she got up and nudged them to follow her away from where her parents were sleeping. She couldn't blame them for wanting attention, they had lots of energy but there wasn't much area for them to play or run without risk that a predator might spot them.

"Good morning Apryl, did the little ones wake up?" She was greeted by Oreo who already seemed like he had been awake for some time.

"Yeah, I guess they decided that it was time to wake up even though it is still early yet." She grumbled nipping at one of the younger pups who had grabbed her tail non-too-gently.

"I can watch them for a while if you need. I think it'll be some time before we will be getting ready to move again." Oreo was red coat wolf whose fur was on the darker side. He was slightly smaller in build compared to the other wolves, but he made that up in speed. He was also the less nervous between the two omegas. He knew boundaries and respect, but that didn't stop him from speaking up and talking to others in the pack as he knew there was no concern of him getting harmed.

"Are you sure? I don't want them to be too much trouble for you. I guess the good last night has given them far more energy than normal." She watched as they began to tussle among themselves, sometimes getting a bit more rough than she was comfortable with, but her parents had always told her that it was better for them to test their limits with each other. Otherwise, they would fall behind in understanding how to fight and defend themselves.

"Absolutely. I don't have anything better to do, plus they're so much fun to entertain and play with. Timid is still sleeping somewhere right now anyways, so better for us to get them calmed down before she wakes up and ends up getting overwhelmed by them." Oreo let out a little yip and that was all that was needed for the pups to turn their attention to them. He dropped down on his haunches and began to wag his tail. Despite being on the older side, he did quite enjoy playing with the pups. Probably something to do with the fact that they weren't at the point where they cared about rank or place within the pack. This would of course change once they got older and started to understand how the difference in dynamics worked out.

"Thanks." Apryl told him. She gave herself a shake to sort her coat. It was still rather chilly in the morning despite moving to spring. She enjoyed it, but not the dew that came with it.

Once she was certain that the pups were settled in and distracted by Oreo, she decided that she would go to the small river that wasn't far from where the pack was saying and get a quick drink and maybe wash her coat since the day felt like it was going to be warm. Even though she didn't get any blood on her fur, it still felt mess from the hunt the night before and a good wash sounded like it was exactly what she needed to make it feel better.

Her mind of course wandered back to the thought of what it would be like to move in and live with humans. Things like this wouldn't be an option. Humans showered indoors, not outdoors. Even when were in open water areas, it was usually with too many other people. There would no place that was safe to shift.

Food, noises, and smells would all be different as well. Things that humans took for granted and enjoyed were everything that she knew she was going to dislike. That was even before she considered the fact that her parents would recommend that she attend college. They weren't wrong in thinking this way, she was going to need to learn to do something if she was going to remain among humans. After all, without money there would no food or anything else for them.

dipping into the river, she let the water soak into her fur, going in as deep as she could without it impacting her ability to swim back to the bank. Were it not for sun being out, she'd have shifted into her werewolf form to better be able to wash her coat. Having something that was more akin to hands came in handy during these times when she wanted to scrub her fur.

To her, this really was the best way to live. No need for money or a job or to ask or beg for anything. No need for any kind of routine or schedule either. Each day was dictated by the sun and weather. Humans made far too much for themselves to worry about with the way that they setup life. And from what Apryl could see, the more greedy people got, the worse it became for them.

Getting out of the river, she gave a hard shake to get rid of any extra water that was hanging into her coat. If It was up to her, she'd have spent half the day in the river, but she knew that her parents and rest of the pack would be up soon. She groomed the extra water off her paws and gave her coat an extra minute to dry before she began heading back.