Breaking the family up

By the time that she got back, Apryl could smell the tension that was in the air, it was a thick scent that most likely meant that her father had expressed his thoughts to the rest of the pack and her uncle wasn't taking it well.

She slowed her pace as she got closer so that she could listen to what was being said before she was seen. Being the oldest out of her parents pups, she was aware of the expectation that she might take over some time if she decided to stay and get a mate. This meant that often times when arguments occurred, she would be brought in on them to weigh her opinion. This she wanted to avoid that happening to get a better assessment of what her uncle was saying and why he seemed to be so against moving to live with humans.

Her ears twitched as they picked up the sound of the two voices arguing. Her uncle always came out as much harsher than her father did even though the later was the alpha of the pack.

"You're telling me that you would be willing to break our pack up just because you want to take the easy way out of this situation." Bold snapped at his brother, his tail swishing in way that let the others around him know that he was agitated. Oreo had ushered the pups to a place that was further away from their uncle along with their mum and a few of the other younger wolves who didn't quite understand what was going on. Timid of course was nowhere in sight and would refuse to come back until she was certain that there would no risk of her getting hurt.

"I'm not trying to take the easy way out." her father replied, beginning to feel a little agitated himself. He knew his brother didn't like humans, but he had hoped he would see the sense in the situation as he was just trying to do what would be best for his wife and their future pups. "I'm not saying this would be permanent shift either, I'm just saying that we should move to someplace where there is can be a promise of a more consistent supply of food. You know Summer is going to need far more food than we can provide now by the time that she gives birth again."

"Then we spend more time hunting than we have been in the past or we move someplace else further away from humans. We don't need to start relying on them in order to survive this. We never did in the past and there's no reason to start right now." Bold growled. He felt his mate nuzzle up against the side of his neck in an attempt to get him to calm down, but he was so focused on the argument that he was having with his brother that he didn't even so much as glance at her.

"We both know that we can take a risk of moving right now, there are too many dangers involved in moving further out than we are now. We have pups and we don't know many of the other packs further in. If they decided to take us as a threat and attack, we couldn't do much against them. Plus, the moon will be full soon and it is around the time humans begin to come out here and hunt, we'd be a too great of a target either way." His was really trying his best to remain calm and have a fair discussion with his younger brother. They had always been close, but humans were something that they couldn't agree on.

"I refuse to turn to those ignorant, selfish creatures. If you want to leave and take your family with you and give up your pride, fine. But I won't be coming with you and anyone else who is against this can come with me as well."

Apryl decided that now was the time to make her presence known. Maybe she could have some sway in the matter and convince her uncle to at least come with them for the time being.

"Uncle, I know you don't like humans, but we're family. Is your hatred of them so strong that you would really leave?" She did best to make herself sound deeply disappointed that the conversation had reached this point. Bold had always had a soft spot for her as she had been a bit more rough and rash compared to her female siblings.

"I don't want to break up the family, if it was up to me that wouldn't happen. But your father is the one who is refusing to see reason and making a bad choice in this matter." He replied. Talking to his niece, his voice didn't have as much of a rough edge as it had before.

"Is it that bad of a decision though? I mean, you care about all these pups just as much as my mother and father do. Is it that bad to do this type of thing to make sure your family is taken care of? Wouldn't you do the same thing for your wife?" Apryl approached him as she spoke, bumping his muzzle with her own before turning her attention to his mate.

He and Serenity had been together almost as long as her parents had been and she knew that her uncle loved her dearly. Others before him had rejected her because it was believed that she couldn't have pups. Her uncle never cared about that though because he wasn't alpha of the pack so there would no pressure for them to attempt to mate and have pups to keep the pack strong. Her uncle made a mumbled sound but didn't reply as she looked at his nice.

"If you don't want to come with us, you don't have to, but I think that this is a matter that you should also discuss with your wife before deciding on. I also want you to reconsider whether moving to live with humans is really a good reason for leaving us. Who knows, maybe you two could consider trying for pups if we lived among humans. We'd still be a pack, but without the limit of food and other resources, there's no reason why you couldn't try if you two really wanted to." She looked over at her father she finished speaking. It wasn't really as easy for wolves to smile in the same was humans could, but based upon the look on her father's face, she would guess it was about as close to a wolf smiling as it would get. Apryl was sure that he was happy that she decided to step in and try to dissolve the tense situation.

Apryl's primary reason for getting involved was because she didn't want the extra stress to impact her mom. Too many emotions could cause complications with the pregnancy.

"I will think about what you said and take some time to discuss this matter with my mate. I think at the end though, both of us will not have changed our mind on this matter. Relying on humans to help us get through will only end up leading to trouble." Bold mumbled, his ears moving to have half raised position as he lowered his tail.

"It's not like we will be deciding to move right away anyways. We would have to wait until after the next full moon. In reality it would be about a week from now that we will have to decide on what's going to happen." Brazen replied. "You're my brother, I love you and I don't want our pack to split it over this, but I need you to understand that I will do anything to protect my mate and pups, even if it means picking this less than savory choice." The other wolf snorted, but chose not to reply to his older brother as he began to walk away his mate. Brazen somehow got the feeling that even if his mate wanted to go with everyone else, he was still going to be opposed to it and not let it happen.

"Don't worry about it too much, I am sure something will end up working out in a positive way. Besides, you don't need to be worrying so much in your old age. Save that for when the next litter is here and you have to help mum with them." Apryl told her father as she started to head over to where she knew her mom, Oreo, and the pups were.

"Don't remind me of that. I don't think that I am going to be able to handle so many changes happening at once. I am not even sure your younger siblings are going to adjust well either. The news one won't know any better so they won't be bothered by the scents, sounds, and different food, but you know how stubborn the pups are right now." It was a headache that he knew he was going to have to deal with, but not one that he was looking forward.

"I am sure we will get it figured out. At least they'll get to stay home, I on the other hand am going to have to get used to education and the idea of moving around hundreds of people everyday." She reminded him. It was something that she didn't really want to think about herself, but was becoming more of a reality by the minute.