His choice

The sudden news that there had to be a sudden decision made as to who wanted to stay and who was going to go with Summer and Brazen caused more of a fuss than even they had expected. Of course Bold was furious at the sudden news because he didn't expect that the rain was going to change anything or at least that if it was, they would've consulted with him before calling Summer called her cousin and asked her to come out and pick them up.

Apryl tried to defuse the situation by explaining to him by the sudden decision was made, but he didn't care about how reasonable it sounded, he was just upset that a decision was made without him.

"A few more days wouldn't have changed anything!" he barked pacing back and further in a furious manner. "The moon would've been gone by then anyways. This is ridiculous."

"Uncle, if you would stop and just listen to what we are saying, you would understand exactly why it makes sense to do this now. I know you don't feel like there was enough time to have made a decision, but not everyone would be able to come with tonight anyways. You have another day or two to think about what you want to do." Apryl told him as she moved in a way that placed herself between her uncle and father in case anything suddenly became too intense between them.

"Even an extra day doesn't make much of a difference at this point." He growled as he faced his niece.

"Of course it does, it gives more time to talk with everyone else and see what think." There really didn't have the time to be going over this argument. Summer's cousin would be there in under an hour and they still had to get the younger pups together and ready to move by then which wasn't going to be easy since they had never seen a car before let alone another unfamiliar wolf.

"Look, do whatever it is that you want to do for yourself, but my mate and I plus Apryl have already decided we're going to do this and take the pups with us. If anyone wants to come along they're more than welcome to, but for tonight we can only take one more person with us." Brazen told everyone. He was trying not to come across too aggressive himself, but he wanted the argument to end before the tension rose any higher and his mate ended up under more stress than she already was.

There was going to be a lot of coordination involved in this move and that meant having everyone on the same page not distressed and scattered over a decision that there was still time to be made about.

"If you want help, I will help you, but don't expect me to follow after you." Bold told his brother who didn't look any less agitated by the situation.

"Brother look, whatever decision that you make is up to you. All I am asking is that you not react so rashly right now. I am not forcing you into anything by this decision. Ultimately what you chose to do is still your final choice to make." Brazen sighed.

"Fine, but how do you expect that I will get in touch with you?" Bold asked, his temper calming down as the rain started to pick up again. It was going to be hard to get the pups moved if it kept pouring.

"I will be coming back myself to help pick up the other members of the pack. I won't leave anyone behind who wants to come with us. It's my responsibility as alpha to make sure that everyone is picked up safely or at least see off those who decide that they don't wish to come." He replied. It wasn't going to be easy for either him or his mate to do this as the disorientation of being in a new environment was going to contribute to them both being more agitated and anxious than usual, but it was his job.

"Fine, I will tell you me final answer tomorrow then. I am sure that this will give the rest of the pack a chance to decide what they want to do as well." Bold's answer meant that at least for the time being the argument was going to be put to the side. "How do you intend to get everyone moved tonight. Is person brining anyone else with them.

"No, she's just coming by herself, there wouldn't be enough space for her mate to come and to pick us all up tonight. She's brining clothes for me and my mate, but Apryl and her sister will probably have to stay in the back in wolf form with the pups. They don't have enough experience with shifting for it to be safe enough to try on such short notice. There'll be blankets for the pups to hide under and the windows are tinted enough that no one would be able to see in anyways if they did pass us in another car." Summer explained. Her pups were curled up tightly against as they were trying to stay warm and dry. She hadn't bothered trying to explain the situation to them as she wasn't certain that they would really understand considering their age and the current state of weather.

The only choice would really be to try and haul them into the car as quickly as possible and then her and brazen would have to get dressed inside the vehicle to avoid getting their clothes wet while in human form. She didn't want to risk catching anything that could weaken her body while she was pregnant.

Oreo and Timid were the only other two who had given any kind of indication of where they stood on the matter. They planned on going with the alpha and his mate. This only fueled Bold's anger at the time as he took as them forgetting their place and sensing an opportunity to jump rank. The only reason he didn't go after them for their quick response was that he knew his mate didn't like it when he took out his anger on them especially as they hardly ever caused problem or burdened the pack.

For Timid and Oreo though, their decision had nothing to do with wanting to be freed from their rank and everything to do with the fact that they were aware they had gotten themselves into a really good pack. One that was much nicer compared to others.

They had already discussed the matter between themselves a while back and knew that their best option was to go and live among humans if that was what the alpha decided to do. Even if they wanted to stay as wolves, it was highly unlikely they'd be taken in by another compassionate pack as this one. A pack run by Bold was one they would never consider as he was not as kind or lenient as his brother was. Outside, most packs and alphas were just as bad if not worse to their omegas.

They wished they could've gone this time around, but they knew better than to jump rank and that Summer would some of her older pups with her to help her settle in better. Bold would at least not do anything to them for the first night as his mate wouldn't allow that, but after they weren't so sure. All they could do was wait and see what would happen.