Successful Move

By the time they heard the car horn honk which was signal that Summer's cousin was there, everyone had already moved fairly close so that there wouldn't be much of a distance to reach the car.

They needed to move quickly in case any other cars came down the road. Cars didn't come down the road they decided to use often, but even a small chance felt like too much.

The rain still going at a steady pace which meant that in order to get the pups in the car, Brazen and Bold had to transform into their werewolf forms to pick them up and carry them. There was only four of them so one trip was enough. They had been willing to follow their parents into the brush hiding not far from the road. But between the rain still pouring steadily and the car horn, they refused to budge past that point and instead chose to whine and try to hide further back.

Summer's cousin, Lydia seemed to understand how serious the situation was and what limited time they had to work with because she didn't even try to start a conversation as she opened the back hatch of her vehicle so they could place the pups in where there was a nest of blankets. Once they were inside, Bold moved back to the clearing and shifted back to his wolf form. It was a sign to his brother that that was as far as he willing to help him.

Apryl's sister, Nova quickly jumped up into the back of the vehicle to be with her younger siblings in order to help calm them so they wouldn't try to jump out. Apryl quickly followed her sister and the back of the hatch was shut. The space was rather cramped for the two larger wolves and the their four smaller siblings, but it would have to do for the time being until they reached the house that Lydia had gotten together for them.

Summer was the next one to get into the car and after shaking off as best she could. Her cousin had brought an umbrella which while not very effective did aid in deflecting a certain amount of the rain. Summer needed to get dressed quickly so that she could take her seat and her mate could get in and dressed next. The longer they took, the higher the risk of something going wrong increased.

Brazen couldn't leave however before he spoke with the rest of the pack and assured them that he would be coming back for them tomorrow, but that if any of them didn't want to come, they didn't have to. They could stay with his brother and continue living out here, but to also understand that the option would not be taken away from them in the future should they change their mind.

Despite helping them and Brazen trying to make up with this brother before leaving, the other refused to say anything to him and instead chose to turn his back and start trotting back in the direction that they came from. This did not bold well with the older brother. It let him know that it was unlike no matter what he said and did, his brother would never change his mind even if it was what his mate might want.

Bidding his farewell to the rest of the back, his made his way back over to the vehicle where like his mate he shook the water out of his fur as best as possible before shifting to human form so that he could get dressed and they could leave.

Summer chose to sit in the front seat next to her cousin where there was a little more space to accommodate her pregnant, uncomfortable stomach. This left the back seat for Brazen who was able to keep an eye on both his mate and their pups. The drive would take about an forty minutes to an hour which would've been find for the couple and cousin, but for the pups who had never been in this type of environment, it was going to be a fussy and uncomfortable one.

The next fear would be once they got there to get everyone inside without getting noticed. Lydia's mate would be able to help wit this part and had even made sure that everything was setup ahead of time for them as she explained to the couple as she drove as quickly as she possible could without risking getting pulled over.

One thing that did ease some of the anxiety was the knowledge that the room they had setup for the pups was soundproof meaning that no matter how noisy they were, no would be able to hear them outside of the room. This had been done when Lydia had her own pup as she too had been worried about what to do once they were born knowing it would be two years before they would be able to learn to properly shift and be able to be around humans without any worries.

Apryl and Nova did their best to try and keep their younger siblings calm, but they weren't having it yet. Each time there was a bump or the car turned, one of them would yip, whine, and try to move around as though looking for a way out. In this case either sister would gently try to grab the pup and bring it back to by it's siblings and tuck the blankets around them.

Once they got inside, everything would be a lot better, but then the next stress would come for the two sisters who still needed to learn how to shift properly in order to take that stress away from their parents. They had both successfully done it on a few occasions but never long enough to know if they would be able to hold that form or not. Now, they would have no choice but to try and hope that everything worked out. Otherwise, they would have to stay with the pups until they could learn how to quickly shift when they needed to.

Being able to see the lights of the house took away a level of stress, they had actually made it. In just a few minutes they would inside with the pups and safe for the night. Brazen felt the relief more than his mate who he knew would still not be happy until they were inside and the night had gone by with incident. He couldn't blame her worry though. Not only was she moving into a new environment, but she had to leave some of her pups behind with the knowledge that she might not get to see them again if they chose to go with their uncle instead of coming to live with them.

The problem wasn't with them leaving and starting their own lives so much as it was that she didn't get a chance to say nay kind of proper goodbye to them because of the urgency of the situation. She knew that some her daughters would most likely chose to come with them because it would give them more freedom and security. She also knew however that her sons might be easily swayed by Bold if they let the fear of losing their identity to conflict with their desire to stay with their pack. They were young, restless, and always looking for some kind of adventure and excitement to feed their high energy levels.

She would have time to process this later, right now she needed to focus on getting everyone inside. She could feel her mate's tension level rise as the unfamiliar male approached the vehicle. Even knowing that it was just Lydia's mate, Brian, it hardly helped him from feeling protective of the other. Summer said something to her cousin about this who nodded her ahead of the other and spoke with her mate. They exchanged words for a moment or two before he nodded his head, glancing at the car, he backed off to give them more space.

"No worries, he understands the situation and will stay back just to make sure no one needs help getting in. He'll lead you to the rooms while I help get the little ones out of the back.

The pups were more than thrilled to be out of the terrible vehicle that they had been stuck inside, but they weren't allowed to run around as they had believed to be the case. They weren't even allowed to touch the floor of the car port before their father and Lydia picked them up. She had gotten used to handle pups in her human so she didn't need to shift to grab the other two that Brazen couldn't get ahold of.

Apryl and Nova hesitated getting out a first. The unfamiliar area, sounds, and smells were overwhelming to them and they didn't know if it was safe to move yet or not. They chose instead to wait for their father to give them a signal that it was safe for them to follow before they jumped out, quickly darting after him and following closely next to him like his own little shadows.

This adjustment wasn't going to be easy on any of them, but in the end it would be the best choice to make sure that everyone stayed safe and his mate and his yet to be born pups would have a better chance at life. The fatality rate in the previous litters had been rather lower for wolves. Out of the three litters they had thus far, only two had been still born and only in the first litter did one get killed by a predator.

They learned pretty quickly from this however that despite the fact that they were werewolves and could do more to take care of their pups compared to normal wolves, they still needed to take extra measures to make sure that their pups stayed safe and didn't stray too far.

Brazen wanted this litter however for their to be no fatalities and for them to grow up in a environment where they would have to endure very little suffering or know what it was like to go hungry and not have enough to eat even when they spent hours and days at a time searching for food.

Once they were settled inside, it was agreed on that they would all spend the night in the sound proof room until they had time to adjust everything. The trip was more stressful then they had expected and everyone was on edge because of it. Lydia had no problem with and had asked for her mate to bring more blankets so that they could at least nest as much as they wanted to and be able to further dry off from the rain.

The room was fairly empty, white pen took up one corner of them, most likely as a place for the newborn pups to stay safe while their parents were away. Not far from there there was a dark cabinet which was closed and didn't reveal what was hiding inside of it. On the opposite side of the room was a chest that as half open and looked like it held toys, something the pups would definitely enjoy using to stay distracted during this time. The walls were a plain white color and the floors were made of some type of wood. The rest of the room was fairly empty which left plenty of space for everyone to get comfortable and settle down for the night.

The pups were still restless, but they calmed down a lot after eating and being near their parents despite being an unfamiliar environment. Lydia had left after making sure that they had everything they needed. She wanted to give them plenty of time to adjust on their own without any strangers hovering around and bothering them.

She was a good house host and made sure that they had everything that they might need before they even asked. She even provided them raw meat for the pups that she had asked her mate to get while she was driving out to fetch her extended family.

It didn't smell like what they were used to eating, but once they saw that their parents were tucking into it, they stopped hesitating and began to eat the meat along with them. Apryl and her sister were too nervous however to want to eat anything at that moment in time.