Why would I?

Apryl was tried the following day when it was time to head back to the college and submit the rest of the material Keith had told her she would need. She decided to sleep with her mom and younger siblings because she felt anxious about how her mom was doing and couldn't get herself to fall asleep in her room.

Of course, by the time that she determined she wasn't going to be able to sleep without being near her mom, it was already half way through the night and she had hardly gotten any sleep. The stress of Brian and Lydia's behavior the night before was still weighing her as well. Maybe it was nothing to worry about, but she felt like there was something there either in relation to her mom or because she had brought up Keith's name.

However, Brian had also been very patient in helping her get everything together that she needed and show her how to use the printer and desktop which she would probably need to use at some point time during her studies.

Either way, she couldn't afford to keep sleeping so poorly otherwise she won't have the energy to do everything that she needed to be worried about doing.

Keith must've sensed that she was in less energized state than she had been the day before as he kept the conversation light and mostly just focused on making sure that everything had been correctly filled out. Apryl was thankful for this as she didn't feel like she had much energy to deal with people. Walking to campus took a lot of energy out of her as it was.

Apryl stifled a yawn as Keith came back again. He was dressed in a polo and slacks today with the same bright same as he had on the day before. It made her wonder even though she had just met him if he always smiled this brightly everyday.

"Well. Looks like you're good to go. You'll need to scramble by next week once your acceptance and that go through as you'll need to enroll in classes and such, but I can help you with that as you'll need a textbooks, a computer probably among other things." Keith told her as he handed her a slip of paper. "This is just to let you know that it was verified that everything was submitted today so if anything happens or you need to follow up because you haven't heard anything, you can use this as verification."

"Thanks. Just a bunch of other stuff that I need to do before I even get started in classes. Most of which I have no idea about how I am supposed to do." Apryl sighed as he picked up the piece of paper off the table. Keith tilted his head slightly as he looked at Apryl.

"Why don't we got for a walk on campus." Apryl looked up at him with a disbelieving look on her face.

"Why would I want to go walking around a campus of when I am exhausted and I am still getting used to being around so many people?" She asked in a incredulous tone.

"Well, that's exactly why. Better to start early on getting used to being around people and navigating this place before classes start. Plus, if you're tired, getting up and walking around will help you to feel better." He replied brightly.

"You're probably the first overly happy werewolf I have ever met." She murmured the word 'werewolf' to make sure that no one else would hear her say but loud enough that she knew he would hear it with his sharp senses.

"Overly happy? I'm not sure about that. Maybe it's just that you haven't been around many other werewolves outside of your pack and they're all grumpy so you don't know the difference between plain happy and overly happy." He proposed. She looked at him with pursed lips when he said this. She couldn't exactly argue with that.

It was true that she hadn't been around many werewolves outside of her pack, but she didn't most of them were grumpy or unfriendly. Her parents had always seemed happy and so had her siblings. The only ones who seemed less than happy had been her uncle and on occasions Timid and Oreo.

"Maybe it's normal happy to other people, but to me it's overly happy." Apryl settled on that reply.

"So are you going to take me up on that offer or are you going to just sit there doing nothing and looking miserable." Keith asked again. Persistent on top of being overly happy? She wasn't sure that could handle that.

Apryl was going to reject his offer until she had remembered what her aunt had told her - in the long run, she would appreciate making friends and getting familiar with the campus sooner rather than later.

"Fine, but I don't want to be too long. I don't like people enough to have a large amount of tolerance for this. First though I need to let my mom know otherwise she'll worry."

"Of course, take your time. I need to go and collect my backpack anyways and let them know I'm leaving my post. I don't think any other stray lost students will come wandering along needing help, but I have learned to expect the unexpected.

"I'm not a stray." Apryl hissed as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. "Nor was I lost, at least not really.." She trailed off as she said the last part causing Keith to laugh.

"It's alright. I am used to dealing with a lot students, human or otherwise that end up getting lost and not knowing what they're doing." Keith assured him. He had been poking fun at her, but not with the intent of offending her. "What isn't often though is when the lost strays who need help happen to be cute. If they were, my job might be easier and perhaps some of them wouldn't be so rude." Keith had said the last part as he patted her on the head while walking away to go and collect his backpack. Apryl hadn't missed his use of the word 'cute' in what she assumed in reference to her.

She didn't know how to feel about this, but she felt her face heat up as she started texting her mom to let her know what was going. She just hoped her face wouldn't be red by the time that he came back to show her around.